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Christianity Explored is a four-week course looking at who Jesus is, why he came, and what it means to follow him. Over a cup of tea we watch some short videos and discuss what we make of them. We think this course would be ideal for you if you are keen to explore the faith (whatever you do or don't believe), or are very new to the faith, or simply want to revisit the basics. All questions welcome!


Beginning 30th September 2024 at 8pm

Chatting Over Coffee

English class

Our English class meets most Tuesday mornings during school term time from 10-11.30am. The classes are free and we cater for learners from absolute beginners to intermediate level. We have learners from many different countries and love to see new faces.



C.A.P. Money course

C.A.P. stands for Christians Against Poverty. We hold C.A.P.'s money management course periodically throughout  the year. It is designed help anyone to get more in control of their finances, so they can save, give and prevent debt. Whoever you are, whatever your financial circumstances or connection to the church, you would be very welcome to attend. 


Dates and details of next course tbc

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All men would be welcome to come to any of our quarterly men's events. Whether over a Saturday morning breakfast, or an evening cup of tea, we aim to encourage each-other to live godly and effective lives for Christ. 




Connect is an opportunity for women of all ages to meet together in an informal setting. Our aims are to build friendships, encourage each other, grow in our faith and strengthen our desire to serve God. Our popular May Walk for Life events draw women from across the community. Other social activities include meals together,  walks and breakfasts.

Second Thursday of Month at 8pm

(October to March)


Healthy Lunch


Lunch@abc is our monthly get-together for those in the Antrim community who have retired. We meet in the church on the second Wednesday of every month (except July and August) to listen to a talk of practical interest, have something to eat and then hear a testimony or Bible message. For more information, please contact Angela Mayrs 07790 391558.


Next Meeting: 

9th October,


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Every other week on a Tuesday and  Wednesday evening, small groups from our church family meet together in different homes to study God's word and pray for each other.


This year we are looking at Mark's gospel.
Contact us for more details.


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